Wednesday, April 13, 2011

San Fran 1

A view from our house, a beautiful place overlooking twin peaks (which you can't see  from this picture) and part of the neighbourhood houses in Noe Valley. The owner calls the house a "cottage," but I expect her modesty makes her call it so.   
The front yard/garden
The front yard/garden from the front door.
Our back patio, a lovely spot for working or having lunch (well, okay, for having breakfast and dinner too).
We quickly make the house our home.  The living room area.  

Make no mistake, though: We are guests here, and Mollie the cat rules the roost.  

We attended a San Franciso giants baseball game, and before it started we tried some of the food offerings on the grounds of the stadium.  Yum.
One of the more beautiful venues for viewing a big-league baseball game.    
The game was exciting, and the SF Giants, last-year's world series champions, came through with a come-from-behind victory against their arch-rivals, the Los Angeles Dodgers.  " Beat LA! Beat LA!" the crowd chanted over and over again, until the Giants, lo and behold, did just that. And, yep, it can get quite cold in the stadium being so close near the Bay, so these Canadians came well-prepared and donned their toques.  Hosers! 

A view from largish scenic hills called "Twin Peaks." You can see our house way down in the distance. We hiked up from our house, which entailed a steepish climb.  SF is full of steep climbs.  Ascendez! 
A street festival on a Saturday in the "Mission" area.  We had very good Mexican food here, not surprising because it is predominantly an Hispanic neighbourhood.  SF is full of such interesting neighbourhoods. 

More on SF later!

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