Saturday, February 5, 2011

Palm Springs

The pool and view at our "retro" hotel in palm springs. We felt at one with Frank and Deano, both of whom made this town in the 60s (yea, baby!). Of course, there were pictures of them on the wall.   
Speaking of retro... a diner on the main drag in palm springs.

Hanging with the locals in swinging palm springs...

Speaking of swinging...there are over 100 golf course in palm springs, which may seem a bit extravagant (even to this golfer) given this is a desert.  But, yes, I still played. I parred this tough island green hole on a famous course, the TPC stadium course at PGA west.  
 Is this Palm Springs???? Well, sort of.  On a mountain far above the town.  Mount San Jacinto.  We missed the snow so much, we couldn't resist revisiting the stuff.  

Besides, the view was great from above.  One can understand this cool mountain destination is a routine escape for palm springers during their summer, when the temperture routinely exceeds 100 F. 
No, we did not hike up the moutain, although we were tempted.  We wimped out and took the cable car (you can see the cables and one of the supporting towers in this picture). 

Now, off to Carpinteria!