Wednesday, April 27, 2011

San Francisco update

Greetings again from San Francisco, one of the coolest cities around. Here are some pics of our recent activities...
Tony was at a conference downtown for a few days, and we met down there one evening and went to the famous (well, at least if you are into the Beat poets) City Lights bookstore, which is right near Jack Kerouac alley – I believe Kerouac wrote On the Road in an apartment down the alley.

Speaking of the alternative kind of scene, we went to an evening of storytelling one night. Every month the two coordinators of this story-telling performance series get together a very eclectic group of people (some famous, some regular average people, some in between) to each tell a 15-min personal story on a common theme – they prepare but they have to tell the story with no notes. The night we went, there was an ex-ballerina, a subway train driver, a well known journalist, an ex-baseball player, a middle-aged woman who likes to skate board, and a Howard Cosell impersonator all telling stories related to sports. It was funny and fascinating. After the intermission, they asked if any audience members would like to get up and tell their own 3-min story, and, of course, Tony volunteered and got up to the mic in front of all those people and told his story about how the Tiger Woods scandal ruined his golf-fantasy life (for those who haven’t heard this story, I’m sure you will at some point). The audience loved it. Here’s Tony outside the Verdi Club where the story-telling evening was held.

Also on the story-telling front, we went to the Opera House downtown and saw David Sedaris one night, who read some stories from his new book, excerpts from his “diary”, and answered questions from the audience (he then had the energy to sign books for hours, I’m sure, after the performance).  It was really delightful and funny. No pictures were taken, so you will have to take our word for it

On the homefront, we work in cafes, the lovely Noe Valley public library, and a lot at home. See below our patio from above

And the stairs that go up to the house on the west side (on the east side is the road up to the house).

That is Mark (Carolyn’s brother) and Carolyn going up the stairs – ascendez!

On that note, Mark visited us over the Easter holiday and we took that opportunity to do some daytime site-seeing that we had been saving up.

We walked to the Haight-Ashbury area and soaked in the neighbourhood.
Very colourful storefronts

Unusual bookstores

Greatest music store ever

We also went to Marin County, Fisherman’s Wharf and Alcatraz – pics to come in the next blog (are you excited?)

Hope everyone is well!