Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tourists in San Francisco

Here is an account of some more of the site-seeing we did while Mark was visiting...
Went to Fisherman’s wharf area; for you literary-types, Carolyn was excited to see another literary landmark (Cannery row, or what used to be Cannery Row)

We had lunch overlooking the wharves

here's a better picture of those lovely boats outside

On Saturday we drove across the Golden Gate bridge and toured Marin county. Went to Muir beach. Here is a view from Muir beach overlook – beautiful!

Also in Marin county is Muir woods, for you nature-types, a rare stand of old-world redwoods, towering up to the sky!

We also found the town of Bolinas, a hippie town that keeps tearing down signs to the village so it doesn’t get overrun with tourists; little did they know we were on the hunt for some good whole grain organic treats and fair trade coffee. Here is the sign that exists at the crossroads just outside of town.

It was actually pretty busy in town, perhaps in part due to an opening for a photography exhibit , which was pretty cool  -- for you artsie types, the photographer’s name was, I believe,Troy Paiva -- The pictures were all taken at night just by keeping the aperture open for awhile, though the shots looked like they were photoshopped to create the strange lighting effects – they seemed to all be taken on route 66; that is American old-highway ghost-towny shots (you know the type....)

And our final tourist destination... (uh..., for you criminal-types?) Alcatraz! Not because of anything we did; we chose to go there. There is an audiotour that you do to take you through the grounds and the cellblocks – see Carolyn with headphones

I don’t know why I look so inappropriately happy in the Alcatraz cellblock. In any case... the tour is excellent, and is narrated by former inmates and employees, adding to the power of it. Here is a picture of the ruins of the warden’s house

Here is Tony in the recreation yard, practicing his golf swing; also inappropriate....

On the boat that goes to the island where the prison is, you get a great view of the San Francisco skyline.

And here is a look at Alcatraz itself as we made our escape on the boat back to downtown.

So that is pretty much our San Francisco days; tomorrow is our last day here, and Saturday we leave for our trip up the Oregon/Washington coast on our way to Victoria, BC.
I imagine we will post a blog or two during our road trip, so stay tuned...
Love to all, C & T